Two Slits In Young s Experiment Have Widths

Two Slits In Young s Experiment Have Widths

The students have a experiment in the

Daftar Isi

1. The students have a experiment in the

In the Laboratorium kalo gak salahquestion (pertanyaan) > the student have an experiment in the (siswa melakukan percobaan di)

answer (jawaban) > in the laboratory (di laboraturium)

2. we have an experiment in the laboratory​


Kami memiliki percobaan di Laboratorium


maaf klo salah

semoga membantu..

3. the student usually have an experiment in the​



maaf kalo salah


science lab

4. The students of i have just finished doing an experiment in the laboratory !


The students have just finished doing an experiment in the laboratory.

5. Arti dari guess what? I have done the experiment


Tau gak? Saya sudah berhasil menyelesaikan eksperimen.


6. A: where do you usually have an experimentB:.......... A. In laboratory B. In library C. In canteen D. In bathroom

A. in laboratory
mangapklosalahA. in laboratory
experiment artinya, percobaan

7. 1. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ... (be) the president of Indonesiaa. many new friends (make,you)...?a. you have have Maded. have you makee. have you Made.3.we (work and experiment)...with fliders to perfect the wing design and controls since thena. work and experimentb. worked and experimentc.worked and experiment Edd. worked and have experimentem have work and experiment​

1. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was the president of Indonesia.
2. How many new friends you have make?
3. We worked and experiment with flowers to perfect the wing design and controls since then.

The answer is-
1. A. Was
2. A. You have make
3. B. Worked and experiment.

Sorry if it's wrong....

8. she in a two story' house when she was young a.lived b.has lives​


A. Lived


Karena ada she was young... Termasuk bentuk lampau.

Maaf kl salah

9. Where they have an experiment

On Laboratory

........ Koo slah maafIn a laboratory.
Maaf kalau salah
Semoga membantu

10. retno and suratni ____ experiment since last two monthsa. are doingb. doc. have doned. dide.. are done

kata since, ini menunjukkan tense prefect

retno and suratni HAVE DONE experiment since last two months

11. positif dari"we (have) an experiment in the science laboratory"

(+) We have an experiment in the science laboratory.
(-) We don't have an experiment in the science laboratory.
(?) Do we have an experiment in the science laboratory?

12. Do they have ther experiment wish birds now​

Yes Apakah mereka memiliki eksperimen burung harapan sekarang

13. where do you usually have an experiment

in laboratorium.

semoga membantuin the laboratorium i usually have an experiment

14. some-student-the-in-do-experiment​


some student do experiment in the

15. she (live) a two-story house when she was young

she *lives* in a two-story house when she was young

She is LIVING.....

SEMOGA membantu....

16. State two variables that the students kept the same in this experiment


Variabel kontrol

17. Where do you have science experiment?​




Because where we do science

18. 2. Ihave to meet... They are my new partners A. Those two young Japanese ladies B. Two young Japanese those ladies C. Japanese those two young ladies D. Those Japanese young two ladies E. Two Japanese young those ladies​




maaf kalo salah

ini pasti ada bacaannya


no google

19. the student do experiment in the

maaf klo salah!
semoga membantu ^^in the laboratory

soalnya tentang eksperimen ipa gitu

semoga bantu

20. 9. The students usually have an experiment in the school's ?tolong di bantu ​


The students can do experiments in laboratory

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