Redox Reaction Mcq For Neet

Redox Reaction Mcq For Neet

balance the following redox reaction using half reactionC2O42- + MnO4-->MN2+ + CO2​

1. balance the following redox reaction using half reactionC2O42- + MnO4-->MN2+ + CO2​


Frank Lampard ingin tahu bagaimana cara agar cepat punya anak dari seorang teman yang baik dan benar

2. Why is concentration vs reaction rate linear for first order reaction ?

The reason why on order 1 reaction the concentration and reaction rate is linear for first order reaction, That's because experiments have shown that the rate of a reaction is directly proportional to the concentration.


Reaksi primer adalah reaksi yang laju reaksinya sebanding dengan konsentrasi reaktannya. Dengan kata lain, menggandakan konsentrasi menggandakan laju reaksi. Reaksi primer dapat memiliki satu atau dua reaktan, seperti dalam kasus reaksi dekomposisi. Reaksi primer dapat didefinisikan sebagai reaksi kimia di mana laju reaksi bergantung secara linier pada konsentrasi hanya satu reaktan. Dengan kata lain, reaksi primer adalah reaksi kimia yang lajunya berubah berdasarkan perubahan konsentrasi hanya satu reaktan. Jadi orde reaksinya adalah 1.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai materi laju reaksi pada link berikut :

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

3. For each enzyme reaction there is


Most enzymes work uniquely, which means that each type of enzyme can only work on one kind of compound or chemical reaction


Semoga Membantu Dan Bermanfaat!

4. persamaan reaksi redox berikut K2Cr2O7+FeSO4+H2SO4

K2Cr2O7 + 6 FeSO4 + 7 H2SO4 = K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + 3 Fe2(SO4)3 + 7 H2O

5. sometimes we neet ... to make our plants fertile​


Sometimes we need (water) to make our plants fertile​.

Semoga membantu:-)

6. neet-carrots-I...susunlah kalimat ini dengan benar

I - need - carrots

Semoga bermanfaat

7. 4. You neetyour neighbor at 7 pm you great him​


You meet your neighbor at 7 PM, you greet him


Meet: bertemu

Greet: Menyapa

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8. Write the word equation for the reaction between zinc and copper sulfate.


Zn + CuSO4 ⇒ ZnSO4 + Cu


Zn has oxidation number equal to +2. Cu has oxidation number equal to +2. SO4 has oxidation number equal to -2.

9. word equation for reaction between calcium and water


Jawaban ada di gambar ya


Semoga membantu dan jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya :)

10. l go to thisplace when l neet to pee​


maaf jika salah jawabannya

11. I am hungry, i neet​





I am hungry, i neet to eat

Maaf kalau salah

12. Calculate the heat of reaction for combustion of C2H5OH using bond energies

Reaction    C₂H₅OH + 3O₂ --> 2CO₂ + 3H₂O

Then draw the structural formulas for each molecule showing single and double bonds.

C₂H₅OH has one C-C bond, five C-H bonds, one C-O bond and one O-H bond
add up the bond energies for a mole of each of these single bonds from your bond energy chart.

Now in O₂ we have O=O double bond so add up the total bond energy for three moles of O₂. (three times the doubly bonded oxygen bond energy)

CO₂ is formed O=C=O, and you have two moles of CO₂, and four moles of C=O bonds so multiply the C=O bond energy by 4

and for H₂O, bonded H-O-H you will have 6 moles of H-O bonds, so multiply the H-O bond energy by six.

Now to get ΔH for this reaction, simply subtract the sum of the reactant bond energies from the sum of the product bond energies and you have it.

13. why is the thermite reaction useful for welding rails?​


Thermite welding is widely used to weld railroad rails.The weld quality of chemically pure thermite is low due to the low heat penetration into the joining metals and the very low carbon and alloy content in the nearly pure molten iron.

14. 2. The equilibrium constant Kp for the reaction2SO3 +2SO2(g) + O2(g)is 1.8 x 10-5 at 350°C. What is Kc for this reaction?​


Jawaban terlampir di foto ya!



15. apakah yang dimaksud dengan reaction speed

Reaction speed merupakan kecepatan untuk menjawab suatu rangsangan dengan cepat. Rangsangan ini berupa suara atau pendengaran. Kecepatan ditentukan oleh iribilitas susunan syaraf,daya orientasi situasi dan ketajaman panca indra.

16. the equation redox reaction below is unbalanced.a KBr + KMnO4 + b H2SO4 ➡ c Br2 + MnSO4 + d K2SO4 + H2Oafter being balanced the values of a, b, c dan d are...

maksudnya apa??.........…..

17. apa arti dari bahasa inggris ubah bahasa indonesia why do neet food and drink..

Why do we need food and drink = kenapa kita membutuhkan makanan dan minuman?

18. apa arti dari kata NEET

Not employment,education or training

19. The rate constant for a first-order reaction is 3.64. 10 - 2 seconds -1 at 298 k.. what is the rate constant for the reaction at 350 k if the activation energy of the reaction is 50.2 kj/mol. given: the quantity r = 8.314 j/k.mol.

Jawaban terlampir di foto ya!



20. Word equation for the reaction of astatine with iron


Persamaan kata untuk reaksi astatin dengan besi


suruh apasih aku artiin aj

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